500 years Anniversary of King Gustav Vasa!


För alla er som missade Stockholms Midsommardagsfirande genom 500-årsjubiléet av Gustav Vasas intåg i staden efter att ha besegrat danskarna, vilket kan ses som starten på det moderna Sverige som suverän nation, önskar vi er härmed mycket nöje att ta del av vår filmade dokumentation av den autentiska rekonstruktionen av intåget!
For all of you who missed Stockholm's Midsummer Day celebration with the 500th anniversary of king Gustav Vasa's entry into the city after defeating the Danes, which can be seen as the start of the modern Sweden as a sovereign nation, we hereby wish you a lot of pleasure in taking part in our filmed documentation of the authentic reconstruction of the entry! 
If you don't understand the Swedish language in the film, don't bother, just enjoy the costumes, the music, the singing, the dancing, and the whole sight of it all!...
Photography and editing: Armand Gutheim

©℗ 2023 MOTHER EARTH ARTISTS, Stockholm, Sweden