We are happy to announce the release of “Power Moves”, the new single from Mother Earth Artists with Armand Gutheim & The Feel Harmonic Rockestra available on all digital music services worldwide from March 1st. It precedes the 2024’s new 10-tracks full length album "A Crazy World" which will be released on May 31st.

"Hip Hop has celebrated 50 years, but most people seem to have forgotten the original idea of getting the youth away from both streets and violence through music, dance, song, poetry and painting"…

Most welcome to have a listen by clicking here on SPOTIFYAPPLE MUSICDEEZER, YOUTUBE MUSIC
AMAZON MUSIC or on any other digital music platform according to your wishes.

We hope you'll all have a wonderful time, and don't forget to click on the "like" and "follow" buttons to give your support...

Love to your all!